A Letter to My Minnesotan “Mom” about BERSIH |
- A Letter to My Minnesotan “Mom” about BERSIH
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A Letter to My Minnesotan “Mom” about BERSIH Posted: 16 Jul 2011 10:16 PM PDT Lois, Remember when you asked if the leaders for the BERSIH coalition have been to overseas, I remembered I could not give you a definite answer, or, I am not happy with the answer i gave you. So here is my "better" answer. Most leaders in the NGOs are professionals, received their degree either locally or abroad. The president of the coalition, Ambiga, was a recipient of the 2009 Secretary of State's International Women of Courage Award. But it is not the NGOs that played the key role during the rally last week. Had the people not turn out and voice their support, the rally could not gain so much attention from the government or the media. Many of those that turned out are people like me in their 20s or 30s. Some called them the Facebook generation. Being able to access the largely uncensored internet, unlike the "disabled" internet China has, Malaysians, especially city dwellers can freely read and watch whatever they want, without censorship. And it isnt just the internet. Satelite TV channels enabled Malaysians to see the world through different perspectives. Uncensored. The unhappiness toward the current government has been going for decades, as the corrupted gov had put more and more burden to the people, and the people could not vote their favorite party into office because the system wasnt even fair. All voters know that. Some kept quiet because they benefit from the unfair system, others kept silence for they fear of being punished. Well, the gov had successfully threatening my parents' generation, who mainly get their daily digest from the gov-controlled mainstream media. But they failed to threaten the facebook generation who rely less on mainstream media. Many youngsters participated in the rally despite objections from their parents. The overreaction from the gov (arresting those wearing Yellow, setting up road blocks, etc) had caused more anger than threat, and that caused even more people showing up to voice their unhappiness out. So it is not the people that do not know the ruling parties are not playing fair. It is that they have been threatened and dare not voice out. Happy Anniversary and have a safe and lovely trip to the Northshores! |
Posted: 16 Jul 2011 09:02 PM PDT
【明報專訊】呂慧儀連續兩年以噴血開胸裝攻陷「香港先生競選」,去年她一襲火紅騷胸裝,惹來觀眾投訴太性感,昨晚她再度「中門大開」,騷胸半露亮相,「胸」壓全場,一眾「咪神」高海寧、「浸大E神」楊梓瑤(Carol)、「僭建」莊思敏、34D陳蕊蕊都被比下去。 直播變密實免惹投訴 呂慧儀再騷「W胸」,不過直播時,她換上較密實的晚裝,相信是為免再被投訴,她說:「我今年少了性感,多了女人味。好姊妹高海寧纖體後身形甚fit,她穿著紅色低V谷胸裝亦頗性感。」對於不敵呂慧儀,高海寧坦言早已認輸,她慶幸消瘦了,但沒有影響上圍Cup數,她說:「我已夠用,著衫舒服又容易買衫。」 楊梓瑤自稱僅32C Carol身材縮水,她說:「我消瘦了四五磅,全身都瘦了。」問她現在上圍的Cup數,她說:「我從沒有E Cup,現在是32C,之前被指E Cup可能是身薄產生的錯覺。會否覺得被呂慧儀等搶鏡?不會,我穿的黃色衫好養眼,而且我是來看猛男。」陳蕊蕊穿低胸裙展露34D豐滿上圍,行路時有動盪效果,她說:「我沒有刻意谷胸,只戴了Nude Bra。」 莊思敏笑說呂慧儀著得太性感,沒有朋友,只剩下她這個朋友。有指她「僭建」也輸給呂慧儀,莊思敏說:「我已說過不是要騷身材,是想著衫靚。」 記者:梁榮達 (温馨提示):若转载请注明来自陈伟andy博客>: ================================================================================= |