Friday, December 14, 2012




Posted: 13 Dec 2012 10:55 PM PST





xoxo 阿雪


Posted: 13 Dec 2012 10:59 PM PST




23 – 8点:Chai Dian Ma, 槟城,入门费30零吉
25 – 8点:Kamo Home, 霹雳,免费入场
26 – 8点:豆原咖啡厅, 吉隆坡,入门费30零吉
29 – 9点:Baboon House, 马六甲, 入门费30零吉

现场将售卖他们几年前的自制专辑〈Back to Start〉。



Trends in Data Warehouse Services

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 06:02 PM PST

Data is created, saved, analysed, edited, encrypted, compromised, corrupted and restored. Naturally, it should also be protected and stored for long term or archive use. Data warehouse services are becoming the latest IT trend to help businesses manage their data solutions.

Although this type of service is often outsourced to specialty domestic or foreign corporations, some new pioneers in the business world have seen the security and potential profit in creating their own data warehouse services. There is an added layer of security when housing the data created by your own company. Once the building and equipment are owned, there is even potential room for profit by expanding and offering this service to other companies (even former competitors). Overall, business growth of data warehousing is still in the infancy stages for most companies. But if any brave souls are considering in-house storage, now there is proof that it can be done.


Asian Money Funds City Apartment, Sydney

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 05:11 PM PST

Investors from overseas have now taken over a 30% share of the market in Australia. Approximately 37 projects that are being conducted in Australia are being done by someone from overseas. Of those about 40% are already under construction while the remainder of them are still in the planning process. This includes complexes in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia. The majority of the developers are from Singapore and many are from Hong Kong.

The apartment Sydney, will still cost about the same amount as normal they just are backed by foreign currency rather than Australian currency. It has been more than two decades since this much foreign money has been seen in the commercial real estate market in Australia and more of it is going into Melbourne than into Sydney because the sites are larger there. Foreign money has come in because residents of Australia are having trouble getting funding from their own banks.


How a Salt Water Chlorinator Works

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 04:40 PM PST

More and more people are turning to seawater pool systems because they're considered a greener alternative to any other type of pool water system. In order to use seasalt water for your pool, a special salt water chlorinator or salt cell system is necessary.

The way a salt water chlorinator works is as the pool water is filtered through the salt water chlorinator or salt cell system, the system splits the molecules of the salt. The salt molecules are split into two parts, sodium and chlorine. The system then only releases just enough salt to the pool water to keep it clean, clear, and safe.

A seawater pool doesn't leave the residual effects of a chlorinated pool such as dry skin, burning eyes, or possible discoloration to a user's hair. Other than the seasalt there's no need for other chemicals to keep your pool water looking great.


[Travelogue] 水上的阿姆斯特丹

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 05:10 PM PST


我对这个城市确实没有太多的认识。离开机场后,背着行李坐上驶往Amsterdam Central的火车。二十多分钟后到站,很多人拿着行李,我看见也有像我那样转机中有时间出来走走的旅客。一出站就看见早上湛蓝的天空,庆幸的是班机延误发生在早上的时刻,我才有这样的机会好好逛一下阿姆这个城市。







Magere Brug(又名Skinny Bridge)是其中一条出名的桥




Paying Off Investment Property Loan Quickly Betters Your Chance For a Good Retirement

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 04:25 PM PST

There seems to be a lot of controversy as to whether investment property will make a good retirement fund and it all depends on who you listen to in order to figure it out with the way the economy is today. One thing most critics can agree on and that is if you pay off your investment property loan quickly, you stand a better chance of having some retirement.

One of the best ways to ensure that your investment property reaps you some rewards is not to just sit on the property and hope that the values increase according to theory and then sell, but to rent out the property, use these funds to help pay off the investment property loan more quickly, then use the rental funds to establish a foundation for retirement. You can always sell when the market is right.


Report Shows that Melbourne Property Investment Will Be Necessary

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 04:21 PM PST

A Government report shows how the projection of Melbourne property investment will be a necessity for the future. This is not to say that everyone needs to invest, just that there will be a significant rise in the need for more housing as the population is continuously growing faster.

Reports are showing that there will be an increase in population, adding more than 64,000 residents a year and over six million in the next three or four decades. Melbourne's demographic changes that'll be necessary to accommodate this vastly growing population can be an aid in making a primo choice in location for Melbourne property investment.

A few things to keep in mind if you're wanting to get a jump start on Melbourne property investment is family sizes are decreasing, there's less call for large living areas, and most residents prefer the outskirts of town but walking distance to work.


Types of Home Loans Australia Residence Have to Choose From

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 04:06 PM PST

Although the Reserve Bank sets the rate for lenders who provide home loans Australia residents have to choose from, lenders are still competing for your business and offer competitive rates. Whether you choose to use the services of a major bank, building society, or check out the home loans Australia credit unions have to offer, you're sure to find the best loan to suit your needs.

These businesses offer various home loans such as a fixed rate mortgage, a variable rate mortgage, a combination of the two, as well as, P & I loans (typically used for those purchasing a home for rental purposes). It's important that you compare rates, terms, and conditions among these lenders to find just the right home loan for you.

It's recommended to know about how much you'll need to borrow when comparing rates between home loans Australia lenders.


Discover Safety and Security With Lockers from CSM

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 03:59 PM PST

Whether you own a gym, a small amusement park, or need security for your employees, then CSM lockers are the perfect solution for storage and security. These durable and attractive lockers come with a variety of features and optional accessories that offer you both quality and long-lasting function.

No matter what level of security you might need for your office or building, these lockers can be ordered with a wide variety of security options, so whether you need minimal security for your clients or you want to offer your employees the maximum security for their personal belongings while they are working, you will find what you need in these units. Additional accessories for seating and wall mounts for hanging coats are also available to make any room both secure and comfortable. Don't go with an inferior locker system when CSM can offer you the kind of quality and affordability that they are famous for.


EDITORIAL: Tian Yi, Sung Hee Him, Chiharu Okunugi & Ji Hye Park in Vogue China, January 2013

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 01:16 PM PST

Models: Tian Yi (Fusion), Sung Hee Kim (Wilhelmina), Ji Hye Park (Elite) & Chiharu Okunugi (New York)
Editorial: Masculine Impression
Magazine: Vogue China, January 2013
Photographer: Amy Troost
Stylist: Alastair McKimm
Hair: Rita Marmor
Makeup: Karan Franjola

Source: JoeHsiang @ tfs


Posted: 13 Dec 2012 02:57 AM PST


日期: 14/12/2012 - 15/12/2012
活動: 國際展貿中心「蝦仔爹哋II音樂舞台劇」
嘉賓: 盧海鵬 、 賈思樂 、 林建明 、 戚美珍 、
金剛 、 吳君如 、 陳百祥 、 曾志偉 、
梁家輝 、 陳慧琳 、 林峯 、 苗僑偉 、
廖安麗 、 江欣燕 、 林曉峰 、 黃日華 、
吳啟華 、 朱咪咪 、 梁烈唯 、 余慕蓮 。
時間: 20:00
地點: 九龍灣展貿徑一號國際展貿中心匯星

日期: 14/12/2012 - 15/12/2012
活動: 雲星劇場「張信哲雲頂演唱會2012」
嘉賓: 張信哲 。
時間: 20:30
地點: 馬來西亞雲頂雲星劇場

日期: 14/12/2012 - 16/12/2012
活動: 香港體育館「『為愛啟丞』楊丞琳世界巡迴演唱會香港站」
嘉賓: 楊丞琳。
時間: 20:15
地點: 紅磡暢運道9號香港體育館

日期: 14/12/2012
活動: 《萬千星輝頒獎典禮2012》全民投票大行動(II)
嘉賓: 馬國明 、 陳茵媺 、 徐子珊 、 楊怡 、
時間: 13:00
地點: 將軍澳新都城中心二期商場L1天幕廣場

日期: 14/12/2012
活動: 信德中心「Wondrous Ballet Illusion X'Mas」 - 魔幻聖誕芭蕾秀
嘉賓: 岑麗香 。
時間: 13:00 - 14:00
地點: 上環干諾道中200號信德中心2樓中庭

日期: 14/12/2012
活動: Yes!!School Tour 2012
嘉賓: 小龍鳳 。
時間: 14:00 - 15:15
地點: 藍田啟田道七號五邑司徒浩中學

日期: 14/12/2012
活動: 電信iPhone5首發簽售活動
嘉賓: 吳尊 。
時間: 15:00
地點: 深圳福田區華強北路現代之窗首層

日期: 14/12/2012
活動: 《幸福摩天輪》之「尋找幸福蹤跡」
嘉賓: 鍾嘉欣 、 陳智燊 、 蔣志光 、 林夏薇 、
樂瞳 、 陳偉洪 、 朱敏瀚 、 李成昌 、
楊明 、 馬海倫 、 羅蘭 、 姚子羚 、
鄭俊弘 、 李思欣 、 林淑敏 、 鄭子誠 、
方駿釗 。
時間: 15:00
地點: 深水埗欽州街37號西九龍中心一樓大堂

日期: 14/12/2012
活動: She Critiques美容大賞2012頒獎典禮
嘉賓: 崔建邦 、 馬國明 、 林德信 、 洪卓立 、
關楚耀 、 應昌佑 、 洪杰 。
時間: 15:15 - 16:30
地點: 灣仔港灣道1號香港君悅酒店11樓The Pool House

日期: 14/12/2012
活動: 你的生命見證彰顯神的大愛與大能
嘉賓: 周永恆 。
時間: 16:00
地點: 大埔公路(元洲仔段)雍宜路3號

日期: 14/12/2012
活動: 聖誕頌歌節2012
嘉賓: 周永恆 。
時間: 18:00
地點: 大角咀奧海城

日期: 14/12/2012
活動: 國際展貿中心「李卓庭"Run For Your Dream"音樂會」
嘉賓: 李卓庭 、 RedNoon 、 彭紀諺 、 林曉培 、
林志美 、 高皓正 、 KellyJackie 、 麥貝夷 、
鍾一憲 、 謝文雅 、 張彥博 、 陳明恩 。
時間: 20:00
地點: 九龍灣展貿徑一號國際展貿中心Music Zone@E-Max

日期: 14/12/2012
活動: 鄧麗君難忘金曲60歲月
嘉賓: 桐瑤 。
時間: 20:30
地點: 吉隆坡KL Live@Life Centre

日期: 14/12/2012
活動: 《名媛望族闔府統請》現場直播
嘉賓: 劉松仁 、 楊怡 、 韓馬利 、 馬國明 、
朱晨麗 、 江美儀 、 黃智賢 、 周志文 、
馬賽 、 王浩信 、 李思欣 、 沈震軒 、
沈卓盈 、 黃長興 、 石天欣 、 梁証嘉 、
梁舜燕 、 陳榮峻 、 劉桂芳 、 莊偉建 、
朱凱婷 、 陳倩揚 。
時間: 20:30 - 23:00
地點: 將軍澳新都城中心二期商場L1天幕廣場

日期: 14/12/2012
活動: Live Stage@朗豪坊
嘉賓: 王若琪 。
時間: 21:00 - 21:45
地點: 旺角亞皆老街8號朗豪坊12/F Live Stage

日期: 13/12/2012 - 16/12/2012
活動: 舞台劇《極地情聖》
嘉賓: 黃秋生 、 梁祖堯 。
時間: 20:00
地點: 灣仔告士打道一號香港演藝學院歌劇院





andy陳偉香港yahoo blog



Posted: 13 Dec 2012 06:33 AM PST


這朵蝴蝶狀的菇菇看起來一點也不像蟻巢傘(雞肉絲菇),不過它就是。難怪我的仙女棒一指,好搭檔 Amy 就驚呼:「雞肉絲菇!」沒錯,果然識貨。蟲蟲也很識貨,把它偌大的菌傘啃成一個蝴蝶狀。不過它只有單株,沒什麼食用價值,所以我們純欣賞,好讓它留在原地傳宗接代。其實我們不是專程去找蟻巢傘,我們是去賞菇兼踏青,把沿途發現的美麗菇菇當成我們親山的獎賞。

(02. 把蝴蝶菇拉近一點,果然是蟻傘巢,不純砍頭!)



所幸和美山標高堂堂152公尺而已,算是小山,步道設施又完善,夜間戴頭燈摸黑問題不大。誰知道找到草叢裡那根長滿菇菇的枯木,蛤?竟然發現不會發光!這不是發光小菇!這不是發光小菇,我差一點要躺在地上大哭! 真是漏氣,前有偽雞油菌事件,如今又有偽發光小菇,Amy一定對我失去信心了。


(03. 白天在和美山發現的偽發光小菇)

(04. 夜間以頭燈及手電筒照射下的小菇)

(05. 不會發光。這不是發光小菇!這不是發光小菇!)

(06. 所幸還有新店夜景可以配咖啡)

(07.  幫Amy拍照留念)








Posted: 13 Dec 2012 05:53 AM PST








Managing Vendor Compliance

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 12:46 AM PST

Businesses run by offering products or services, either to the public or a specifically targeted group of individuals. Often, these companies rely on third party vendors to help them complete a project or scheduled delivery. Strict vendor compliance is required to ensure the project runs smoothly, but also to ensure the host business meets all regulatory standards as well.

An open line of communication must be present throughout the supply chain so that a quality product or service can be supplied and both the hiring company and the vendor will maintain healthy reputations. In order to support open communication, clear expectations should be provided (by both parties) at the start of negotiations. Additionally, quality checkpoints should be established to confirm vendor compliance. Finally, if any actions need to be taken (by either party) to amend the agreement, they should be tactfully completed with the utmost professionalism.



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