Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tax Return Preparation

Tax Return Preparation

Tax Return Preparation

Posted: 12 Dec 2012 12:25 AM PST

It is nearing the time of year that sends individuals and business accountants scrambling for receipts that got stuck to the bottom of a desk drawer or thrown carelessly into a shoebox. Yes, it is almost tax season again. A few simple tips can help you take the unnecessary tension out of filing a tax return.

Before settling down to tackle the beast, ensure that you have at least one hour of uninterrupted time to organize and enter the necessary documents. Assuming you have collected all the paperwork documenting income and expenditures for the year, begin by separating them into categories and, if filing a joint or business return, owners. Take a mental inventory of employers or companies you have done business with throughout the year. Have you received everything by mail? If not, are these items available online from the issuer's website? You are ready to begin your tax return.


Offsite Data Storage: Disaster Recovery of Your Critical Data

Posted: 12 Dec 2012 12:25 AM PST

When it matters the most you should consider some type of offsite data storage so that none of your data is ever lost. There are so many things that can happen to ruin all of the data that you have collected and/or stored and losing that data could make or break any good company or person. When looking for a company to store your data offsite you need to find one that works the best for your business needs.

If you are a larger company then they will need to operate on a high enough level to help with all of the needs of your business. If you are a smaller business then you might not need a large company to take care of your smaller needs. Look for a company that will keep your records in a climate controlled area and will also give you easy access to the data that you need when you need it.

Source: offsite backup

Applying for a Quick Home Loan

Posted: 12 Dec 2012 12:14 AM PST

Before you apply for a home loan there are several things you need to do in order to make the process easier. Some believe there is no such thing as a quick home loan, but it can be quicker and easier if you actually take time to prepare. The first thing you should do is do some research. Find out what the best rates are from several different places.

Even 1% can make a difference in the amount of money you can save over the years. Find out how much house you can afford before you even start. You don't want to get in over your head. Next get all of your paperwork in order before you even meet with a finance company. If you don't have everything in order, chances are it will take a lot longer to get the loan than it needs to take. Take the steps to getting your own quick home loan.


Where to Find Free Ringtones

Posted: 12 Dec 2012 12:03 AM PST

Many sites and smartphone apps offer free ringtones; however some have hidden features like recurring monthly subscriptions. Choose ringtone downloads from reputable sites that not only have the latest trends, but are truly free as well. The most popular ringtones are personally created by the user. These could be video clips, favorite songs, quotes from famous artists, or a parody from any of these unique forms.

Take care when searching free ringtones, so you find the best quality and selection to personalize your phone. Because so many sites and apps offer their own unique ideas, your search may take some time to find just the right style. Experiment with different genres, sounds and videos to make the most of your phone. Create different ringtones especially for friends and family in your contact list or add a motivating ringtone that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning!


Canon Toner Cartridges Upgraded in New Image Prograf Printers

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 11:51 PM PST

Three model upgrades that include sharper images from Canon toner cartridges and two new additions to the line have updated the Prograf Printer collection from Canon. These units, which have long been popular for art and photography production, now include two new sixty-inch models to its line, and the Canon toner cartridges have been upgraded to include blacks that now print in a wider variety of realistic tones, as well a huge spectrum of colours that are now more resistant to scratches as well.

This series of printers will be highly sought after by artists and photographers who want beautifully reproduced images of their works without having to spend hundreds of dollars on professional printing services. Owners of these printers can replace the Canon toner cartridges while the unit is in use, which saves time and cuts down on waste, a technology that is vital to those who print high-quality photographs.


Survey Shows that Pet Owners will Consider Affordable Pet Insurance

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 11:33 PM PST

Affordable pet insurance is an important factor when it comes to a pet owner's willingness to take out insurance on their pets. A recent survey has shown that on average the general pet owner would pay between $100 and $1000 in treatment for their animals, and that some owners would be willing to pay up to $3000 in the payment of treatment and medical bills of their beloved pets.

The study shows that dog owners are particularly concerned about their pets getting cancer, hip, knee or leg injuries, or getting hit by a car. It also shows that cat owners are most concerned about their cats getting kidney disease or cancer, as well as injuries sustained in fights with other animals. Most pet owners will consider affordable pet insurance that will cost under $20 per month or covering their pet under their own health insurance.


How to Tackle the Issue of Broadband Internet Running Out of Space?

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 05:32 PM PST

There is a likelihood that we run out of broadband Internet space since all the IP addresses are getting fast used up and the virtual space is getting clogged beyond repair. While experts suggest it could happen as early as next year, there is a possibility of it happening much sooner than you can anticipate. A transition to a better virtual network is vital and IPV6 comes to the aid, the present IPV4 system not being able to handle traffic and the space invasion problem.

The switch from IPV4 to IPV6 could not happen over a day. Rather it should be very transient and needs at least a year to materialize efficiently. IPV6 would come with greater space, better benefits, and more security, asserts Paul Wilson, Director of APNIC. Thus, to spread awareness around, it has been decided to observe the 'World IPV6 Day' on June 8th amidst a lot of fanfare.


Urban Adventure: City Central Backpackers Sydney

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 04:59 PM PST

Travelling the world on foot or bike is an invigorating way to get exercise while enjoying all that nature has to offer. While the wilderness has much to offer, many hikers also want to visit urban settings while trekking. This latest trend in outdoor sports is gaining in popularity with each passionately written review submitted by someone who just completed a tour. City central backpackers Sydney bask in the glorious downtown sightseeing attractions and harbour area. More experienced travelers can enjoy the best of both worlds with careful planning and flexible execution.

This may not be a vacation you can plan with a travel agency, but city central backpackers Sydney adventurers will tell you how satisfying the decision was to explore this wondrous area on foot. Backpacking with an open-minded guide provides a unique way to visit and explore all the best features the countryside and even downtown areas have to offer.


Worker’s Compensation Lawyers Attempt to Help Business Managers Halt Frivolous Claims

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 04:55 PM PST

There has a been a troubling rise in enquires made to worker's compensation lawyers lately by those who are in business management concerning frivolous stress and harassment cases filed by employees who are in danger of being fired because of their poor performance. These cases include claims of bullying and harassing behaviour and they are on the rise, prompting worker's compensation lawyers to warn employers about how they handle employees who they wish to dismiss.

Many workers have cited verbal and written warning as "harassment" and have stopped showing up to work after filing the claim, knowing that they cannot be fired after doing so. Employers and management must proceed carefully with these claims and make sure they do not violate any part of the Fair Work Act. In addition, employers should contact the claims office right away about any false claims so that the worker in question is not compensated for it.


EDITORIAL: Kiki Kang & Li Ming in Harper's Bazaar Vietnam, December 2012

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 12:03 PM PST

Models: Kiki Kang (Supreme), Li Ming (Women Direct) & Luisa Bianchin (DNA)
Editorial: Evening Elegence
Magazine: Harper's Bazaar Vietnam, December 2012
Photographer: An Le
Stylist: Ise White
Hair: Luca Blandi
Makeup: Dominique Samuel
Manicure: Gerry Holford

Source: An Le Studio 


Posted: 11 Dec 2012 09:00 AM PST


日期: 12/12/2012
活動: 廣東道Countdown記者招待會
嘉賓: 容祖兒 、 泳兒 、 羅力威 。
時間: 14:00
地點: 尖沙咀海港城

日期: 12/12/2012
嘉賓: 曾志偉 、 苗僑偉 、 戚美珍 、 草蜢 、
梁烈唯 。
時間: 15:00
地點: 佐敦彌敦道222號恒豐中心地庫B3號舖RAMEN CHAMPION

日期: 12/12/2012
活動: 《傳愛事務所》開鏡拜神
嘉賓: 黎耀祥 、 陳豪 、 陳法拉 、 伍詠薇 、
陳智燊 、 馬賽 、 岳華 、 鍾景輝 、
王浩信 、 韓馬利 、 謝雪心 、 陳國邦 、
高海寧 、 胡楓 、 林淑敏 、 陳婉婷 、
林敬剛 、 羅欣羚 、 杜燕歌 、 馬海倫 、
李岡龍 、 于洋 、 張達倫 、 鄧健泓 、
徐正康 。
時間: 15:00
地點: 將軍澳電視廣播城十二廠

日期: 12/12/2012
活動: 荷里活廣場「『我是無煙的』啟動禮」
嘉賓: 黃山怡 、 許廷鏗 。
時間: 15:00 - 16:00
地點: 鑽石山龍蟠街3號荷里活廣場一樓明星廣場

日期: 12/12/2012
活動: 電台訪問
嘉賓: 麥貝夷 。
時間: 16:00
地點: 紅磡黃埔花園六期地庫二層新城電台

日期: 11/12/2012
活動: TVB職藝員聯歡晚宴2012
嘉賓: 梁乃鵬 、 李寶安 、 安德尊 、 宋熙年 、
一千八百位台前幕後同事 。
時間: 18:00
地點: 將軍澳電視廣播城一廠停車場

日期: 12/12/2012
活動: 「預防子宮頸癌關注週」啟動儀式
嘉賓: 譚家輝 、 G.E.M 。
時間: 18:00 - 19:30
地點: 澳門旅遊塔會展娛樂中心4樓會議室5至8號

日期: 12/12/2012
活動: 澳門金沙城中心「星級滋味」活動
嘉賓: 草蜢 。
時間: 18:30
地點: 澳門金沙城中心康萊德酒店地下「朝」

日期: 11/12/2012
活動: 《勁歌金曲》錄影
嘉賓: 崔建邦 、 朱千雪 、 鍾嘉欣 、 鄭欣宜 、
張智成 、 馮允謙 、 鍾一憲 、 麥貝夷 、
胡定欣 。
時間: 19:30
地點: 將軍澳電視廣播城二廠

日期: 11/12/2012
活動: 《體通體透》錄影
嘉賓: 歐錦棠 、 黎芷珊 、 張秀文 、 郭田葰 、
梁嘉琪 、 葉翠翠 。
時間: 20:00
地點: 將軍澳電視廣播城一廠

日期: 12/12/2012
活動: "LEVELS"Night Club Grand Opening Party
嘉賓: 王秀琳 、 馬德鐘 、 廖碧兒 、 趙哲妤 、
李曼筠 、 王璐瑤 、 張暖雅 、 黃榕 、
吳堯堯 、 張苡澂 、 Raico B 。
時間: 21:00
地點: 中環安慶台1號安慶大廈2樓LEVELS Night Club

日期: 12/12/2012
活動: 《吸血新世紀4破曉傳奇下集》首映禮
地點: 尖沙咀柯士甸道西一號圓方The Grand Cinema

日期: 12/12/2012
嘉賓: Jessica C 。
時間: 11:00-13:00
地點: 尖沙咀新太陽廣場

日期: 12/12/2012
活動: 麥當勞結婚派對
嘉賓: 謝婷婷 、 安志杰 。
時間: 11:40
地點: 紅磡港鐵站大堂閣樓二號麥當勞餐廳

日期: 12/12/2012
活動: 福音周---做個有信的管家(福音預工)
時間: 14:00
地點: 屯門良才里9號





andy陳偉香港yahoo blog



Posted: 11 Dec 2012 05:14 AM PST












Posted: 11 Dec 2012 04:55 AM PST






WordPress Tutorials Make Web Design Simple

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 01:24 AM PST

WordPress is one of the most popular places on the Internet to run and host a blog because of its user friendly Web design capabilities. Anyone can make a custom blog with custom avatars, headers, and other content without having to know any HTML or other coding that takes hours to learn.

Popular WordPress tutorial sites make the site's Web design platform even easier to use as they show beginning bloggers how to use the site to its full capabilities, making their blogs stand out by allowing users to shine with their own creative ideas. By learning how to use WordPress customizable themes through these tutorials, bloggers will better understand how they can unlock not only their blogs' full potential, but their imaginations as well. From the first steps to customizing their page and learning how to write effective content, these tutorial sites make the most of WordPress.


Find a House Insurance Quote

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 01:24 AM PST

Buying or selling a home usually includes a cumbersome amount of paperwork. Mortgage lenders, title companies and other agencies are usually represented to help you along the way. Any of these individuals can assist you in obtaining a house insurance quote prior to the purchase.

House insurance is typically paid annually and is therefore required at the time of the purchase. If you are renting a home, a similar policy is available that will cover your contents and belongings in the event of a natural disaster, theft or other claim event. A house insurance quote will also cover these items, plus many more such as flooding, repairs and injury that occurred on the property. Some policies have additional options that will cover the mortgage in the event of death or disability of the homeowner. Premiums vary based on coverage selected; carefully review the terms and conditions before selecting any particular policy.


Invest Money like a Professional

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 12:15 AM PST

There are so many people out there who invest money in many stocks and some who only invest in small stocks or play in the market. No matter which you are you can do some things to learn to invest money like a professional. Make sure that you are investing money at the best price so that when the stock goes up you will see your money grow. Decide if you want long or short term risk because this will determine your risk.

Short term is generally a riskier investment, and long term, when given the time, can increase to a substantial growth. Always have some type of strategy. Know what your portfolio goals are and do only things that will help you meet those goals. You should also be able to understand debt levels. The debt levels should be those that are manageable and easily serviced.


Consider Getting New Debt so You Can Avoid a Collections Agency

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 11:51 PM PST

Getting new debt should be something you consider seriously before taking on because there is always the threat that something unexpected can happen and your loan would be turned over to a collections agency. If you get a loan consider whether or not you can repay the loan if something happens with your job. Think about how long it will take you to pay back the loan and how much interest you will pay over the life of the loan.

If you take all of this into consideration and something still happens, chances are you'll have to deal with some type of collections agency when the payment comes due or is overdue. Don't avoid them when they begin calling; try to pay as much as you can when you can so that the account doesn't end up ruining your credit later on down the road. Always do your best to pay it back.



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