Thursday, December 13, 2012

Top Colours Chosen for Swimming Wear 2013

Top Colours Chosen for Swimming Wear 2013

Top Colours Chosen for Swimming Wear 2013

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 12:25 AM PST

Swimming wear comes in a multitude of colours and we see those most popular colours change from year to year. One year every swimsuit you see is some shade of green; the next year a shade of blue. These vary on different tastes and different styles. No matter what colour was trending last year, you can bet a new colour will be out this year.

The colour for swimming wear in the year 2013 has proven to be a variety of all colours. There is the navy blue which stands out as well as the emerald green. Some fashions are going with poppy red or orange tones. For 2013 you will be able to pick your style and pick your colour; no matter what colour is your favourite, you will be able to find some type of style that you like that actually comes in the exact colour you want.


SMSF or Direct Investment

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 12:14 AM PST

In the recent economy, SMSF and DIY funds have taken over approximately 71% of member's funds because of Telstra Super's increased balances of their accounts. It has been said that about 7 million dollars has poured into the term deposit arena while about 20% have transferred their funds within the first 3 months of the launch of the product.

Very little advertising was put into AustralianSupers' ASX200 and it has been available at least 12 years. During that time it has accumulated about 8,000 members in addition to 190 million dollars in funds. Some people are investing in specific shares, others in term deposits while others prefer pension annuities. Investment options are different so you need to pick the best investment option that is right for you. Not all options are the same and not all have the same payoff, so deciding what you want before you invest is important.


Finding the Perfect Patio Enclosures Brisbane

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 12:03 AM PST

When it comes to providing protection for their home, property and family, most people share the philosophy to consider all options. Thanks to patio enclosures Brisbane, the most important decisions do not make you choose between functionality and style.

Patio enclosures provide the safety of keeping children, toys and family pets safely inside the property while keeping intruders and burglars outside the perimeter. Even those individuals who believe they life in relatively safe neighborhoods want to ensure the protection of their family and property. Safety is simply not something to be taken for granted.

With the many custom styles to choose from, patio enclosures Brisbane are not the boring prison wall fences that are conjured when one imagines perimeter security. In fact, these beautifully designed enclosures are completely the opposite of boring or bland. Many styles can even be specially built to blend in with existing landscaping.


Confidential Pregnancy Counselling Australia

Posted: 12 Dec 2012 11:25 PM PST

Pregnancy is a wonderfully confusing time for women and their partners, and there are several factors that can make the situation a bit more complicated. New mothers may have a difficult time understanding the physical, emotional and mental changes occurring inside the body. Very young and/or single women may question whether becoming a mother is the right decision for them. Conversely, older and even menopausal women experience uncertainty for the health of their unborn baby.

Pregnancy counselling Australia is available to help sort out some of the questions for both the routine and the unique situations women and couples face during pregnancy. Experts provide education and resources, discuss options and alternatives based on each situation. Of course, all counselling sessions are kept strictly confidential. During this special time, women face many decisions that can be overwhelming if faced alone. Thanks to pregnancy counselling Australia, they are not alone.



Posted: 12 Dec 2012 08:07 PM PST








那巨大的十字架石碑就在我面前,石碑上面深深地刻著一個日期、一個無法磨滅的日期:1937.12.13 --- 1938.1,這日期記載了一個在人間發生的地獄。然後,我跟著游客人群進入紀念館內,據我所知,這整座紀念館是采用灰白色大理石壘砌而成,整個造型有點兒像一座墓地,外觀看起來莊嚴肅穆,而每個游客都是神色沉重。一進入紀念館,最先經過的部分是遺骨陳列室,我被眼前恐怖的情景嚇得全身僵化,天啊,那是一座萬人坑啊,坑中的遺骸數以千計,大部分骸骨都是不完整的、零碎的,有的頭骨裂開、有的頸骨折斷,有的盆骨有很深的刀刺痕跡。越看越膽戰心驚,全身毛骨悚然,這真的是發生在二十世紀文明社會裡的嗎?眼前的歷史鐵證殘酷地回答了我心中的疑問。這時,我仿佛聽到了一陣陣婦女慘痛的尖叫聲,小孩哇哇大哭,摻雜著鬼子那恐怖的笑聲、軍刀刺入、血肉剝開的聲音,啊啊啊啊啊啊。










Stylish Maternity Lingerie for Yummy Mummies

Posted: 12 Dec 2012 05:54 PM PST

So what if you're pregnant? Maternity lingerie does not always need to be nana nursing bras and drab hosiery lingerie. With Hotmilk Lingerie offering a whole new selection of fashionable lingerie with drama and chutzpah, you can look your sexy best even while your tummy swells and you gain a lot of flab on your thighs and breasts.

According to analysts at Hotmilk Lingerie, there are many women who complain of having a non-existent sex life and intimacy with their husbands because pregnancy makes them physically unattractive. Thus, to spice up the cuddling in the bedroom it is important that you try out the maternity lingerie that Hotmilk has on offer. Your hubby would definitely respond to your advances and you could have a blissful pregnancy with confidence thanks to comfortable and fashionable lingerie options from the designer brand.

After all, 'who says maternity lingerie has to boring – it could be fun and sexy too!'


Small Loans to Come Under National Regulation

Posted: 12 Dec 2012 05:29 PM PST

The small loans industry in Australia may soon be under closer regulation, as the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) has agreed to a national takeover of this regulation. Of particular interest to the regulators are payday loans, widely regarded as predatory even as many people see them s their only source of credit.

However, all forms of small loans and quick loans will be under this increased scrutiny once the takeover is complete. Currently such credit products are difficult to monitor because of differing state regulations and enforcement powers; many of these small loans are offered over the Internet and are thus difficult to manage across state lines. A national enforcement and regulatory effort will solve many of these problems. The move is designed to increase protection of low-income borrowers, who often find their credit access limited, driving them towards payday loans and similar services which can become endless cycles of debt.


New Member of the Sena SPH10 Family Intended for Skiers

Posted: 12 Dec 2012 05:25 PM PST

Any activity that requires a helmet also requires a bluetooth communication system. Helmets reduce visual and audio capabilities and in order to stay in touch with groups while riding or skiing, a bluetooth helmet headset is an absolute must for modern athletes and recreational skiers and riders. The Sena SPH10 family of bluetooth helmet headsets has seen the addition of the SPH10S, specifically designed for skiing helmets.

The SPH10S has all of the benefits and features of the classic Sena SPH10 line in a design tailored specifically towards skiers, snowboarders, and other winter sport enthusiasts and the helmets designed for these activities. As more and more winter sports participants adopt helmets as standard, even casual skiers on vacations, the need for robust, simple bluetooth communication under these circumstances has grown exponentially, and the Sena SPH10S offers all of the features and reliability necessary to make an enjoyable ski trip into a safe ski trip.

Source URL:

[Travelogue] 意外降临

Posted: 12 Dec 2012 05:09 PM PST





我身旁坐着一位曾在荷兰工作的立陶宛人,我大概问了一些概况,决定乘火车到Amsterdam Central的旧城区看看。其时四月,已是郁金香开花的季节,没有相关的资料,结果错过了。



MAGAZINE COVER: Lee Hye Jung on Elle Vietnam, December 2012

Posted: 12 Dec 2012 12:29 PM PST

Model: Lee Hye Jung (Major)
Magazine Cover: Elle Vietnam, December 2012
Photographer: Alexander Neumann
Stylist: Sara Francia
Hair: Franco Argento
Makeup: Sergio Corvacho



Posted: 12 Dec 2012 10:34 AM PST


日期: 13/12/2012
活動: 《法網狙擊》之「狙擊漏網之『娛』」
嘉賓: 謝天華 、 楊怡 、 森美 、 陳敏之 、
許紹雄 、 苟芸慧 、 陳煒 、 陳庭欣 、
郭政鴻 、 黃智雯 、 王君馨 、 賈曉晨 、
沈震軒 、 鄧梓峰 、 王浩信 、 鄧健泓 、
吳業坤 、 林穎彤 、 白健恩 、 李思雅 、
陳志健 、 羅天宇 、 林芊妤 、 文偉鴻 。
時間: 14:00
地點: 將軍澳新都城中心二期商場L1天幕廣場

日期: 13/12/2012
活動: 「李丞責中華風水文化」 旗艦店隆重開幕
嘉賓: 黃柏高 、 李丞責 、 劉倩婷 。
時間: 15:00
地點: 佐敦彌敦道216號至228號恆豐中心1樓11-12號鋪

日期: 13/12/2012
活動: 我的合味道工作坊
嘉賓: 古巨基 。
時間: 15:00 - 16:00
地點: 荃灣青山公路398號愉景新城購物商場L1天幕廣場

日期: 13/12/2012
活動: Yes!!School Tour 2012
嘉賓: 小龍鳳 。
時間: 15:50 - 16:50
地點: 屯門友愛村宣道會陳瑞芝紀念中學

日期: 13/12/2012
活動: 《體通體透》錄影
嘉賓: 歐錦棠 、 黎芷珊 、 張秀文 、 郭田葰 、
呂慧儀 、 陸浩明 、 古明華 、 張繼聰 。
時間: 17:00
地點: 將軍澳電視廣播城一廠

日期: 13/12/2012
活動: 梁乃鵬博士歡宴《雷霆掃毒》台前幕後仝人
嘉賓: 苗僑偉 、 徐子珊 、 官恩娜 、 黃智賢 、
郭政鴻 、 歐陽靖 、 林子善 、 吳綺莉 、
程可為 、 于洋 、 李麗麗 、 呂珊 、
楊瑞麟 、 黃子雄 、 梁舜燕 、 蔣志光 、
林偉 、 樊奕敏 、 黃柏文 、 何君誠 、
許家傑 、 楊證樺 、 林敬剛 、 張達倫 、
曾守明 、 林秀怡 、 何俊軒 、 姚浩政 、
何傲兒 、 李家鼎 、 趙希洛 、 梁乃鵬 、
林志華 。
時間: 18:30
地點: 將軍澳電視廣播城三樓西餐廳

日期: 13/12/2012
活動: Live Stage@朗豪坊
嘉賓: 謝文雅 。
時間: 21:00 - 21:45
地點: 旺角亞皆老街8號朗豪坊12/F Live Stage

日期: 13/12/2012 - 16/12/2012
活動: 舞台劇《極地情聖》
嘉賓: 黃秋生 、 梁祖堯 。
時間: 20:00
地點: 灣仔告士打道一號香港演藝學院歌劇院

日期: 13/12/2012
活動: 《360》錄影
嘉賓: 吳業坤 。
地點: 將軍澳電視廣播城

日期: 13/12/2012
活動: 新碟祝捷會
嘉賓: 關心妍 。
時間: 11:30 - 14:00
地點: 銅鑼灣糖街2-8號CEO

日期: 13/12/2012
活動: 黃埔聖誕小廚神學堂
嘉賓: 岑麗香 、 Greta Yaxley。
時間: 12:00
地點: 紅磡黃埔新天地黃埔美食坊一樓中庭

日期: 13/12/2012
活動: 「HIBIKI響」 微電影《最佳響友》開幕首映禮
嘉賓: 周柏豪 、 連詩雅 、 張致恆 、 冼色麗 、
伍健雄 、 莊少榮 。
時間: 12:45
地點: 尖沙咀加拿芬道20號加拿芬廣場2樓「HIBIKI響」

日期: 13/12/2012
活動: 利東藥房開張剪綵儀式
嘉賓: 黃柏高 、 陳僖儀 、 小肥 。
時間: 13:00
地點: 上環永樂街59號地下利東藥房





andy陳偉香港yahoo blog


Do You Live In An Urban Forest?

Posted: 12 Dec 2012 01:00 AM PST

Urban forest sounds like an oxymoron, but it is actually a healthy new trend helping cities beautify and detoxify their landscapes. Any forest or small collection of trees specifically planted within an urban or semi-urban area is a planned event. These wooded plant populations have been sprouting all through the metropolis and receiving great responses from residents.

The unexpected greenery certainly provides interesting scenery and shade on a summer day. Every urban forest facilitates additions such as benches, walking trails and dog parks mirror park-like settings. In addition to the aesthetic beauty of the trees, they also provide a place for birds and small wildlife to rest and live. Plus, the extra influx of trees and plant life providing oxygen may impact the overall health of residents. Aside from offering the benefit of photosynthesis, the additional plant life provides cover from harmful ozone, pollutants and toxic emissions prone urban areas.


New Covent Garden Market Florists Display

Posted: 12 Dec 2012 01:00 AM PST

On a recent visit to New Covent Garden Market there were displays of so many flower arrangements that were done by a variety of florists. Not only did they have a wonderful assortment of floral supplies, but the flowers were gorgeous and made the place smell like spring. There were so many different types of flowers there like hydrangeas and peonies and so many more unbelievable types of flower arrangements. The assortment was something for the eyes to behold and we enjoyed every minute of our visit there.

You could tell the florists worked extra hard to showcase their talents and their merchandise. Part of a good floral arrangement is the props that are used and the endless supply of them available at the market was incredible. So many new ideas were put on display and trying them all is in the future for me. With flowers, you simply can't go wrong.


Does Cheap Travel Insurance Exist?

Posted: 12 Dec 2012 12:48 AM PST

Planning for travel, especially international travel can be a stressful experience. Documents must be gathered, clothes packed (baggage weight considered), and there may be some tasks to complete before leaving home, depending on the length of travel. Many vacationers feel that they need a vacation to get a break from the holiday planning.

In the hurry to prepare, one very important thing should not be overlooked. Cheap travel insurance is available for those who do not think they need it, but decide to purchase some "just in case." Especially with the rising cost of air travel, hotel stays and even taxis; it makes more sense to spend a few dollars in a proactive measure than to suffer a loss during vacation. Depending on budget and expected needs, cheap travel insurance can be obtained that will be sufficient to cover the cost of replacement belongings or alternative travel arrangements.


Finding a Finance Company for Your Business

Posted: 12 Dec 2012 12:47 AM PST

It is important when you find yourself in a position to need outside funding for your business that you find a finance company that understands exactly what your needs are. Getting a business loan is much harder than getting a home loan because businesses are different and every business has different needs when it comes to the amount of money, what the money will be used for, etc.

It's a long process that will require you to turn over virtually everything you have about your business include expenses, income, taxes and what you will use the money for. The finance company needs to make sure that you will continue to grow and will be able to pay your loan back before they take a chance on you and your business. You are representing your business so it's important to make a good impression on the lending institution.



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