Thursday, December 6, 2012

解決the request failed with http status 417

解決the request failed with http status 417

解決the request failed with http status 417

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 08:27 PM PST


the request failed with http status 417


            <servicePointManager expect100Continue="false" />


AD CAMPAIGN: Nanda Hampe for Woolrich, Fall/Winter 2012

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 07:49 PM PST

Model: Nanda Hampe (Next)
Ad Campaign: Woolrich, Fall/Winter 2012
Photographer: Unknown
Stylist: Unknown
Hair: Unknown
Makeup: Unknown

Source: Io Donna

Giving Gift Baskets for Christmas Make Great Gifts for New Parents

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 09:47 AM PST

It's no secret that becoming a new mom can leave her stressed, tired, and in need of pampering. There are a variety of gift baskets for Christmas that can make the perfect gift and help take away some of the stress being a new parent can bring. It's understandable that there is little time for her to pamper herself but encouraging her with a spa therapy relaxation gift basket just may put a smile on her face. A nice fragrance gift basket is another consideration she just may appreciate.

Fragrance gift baskets for Christmas for men are nice gifts for dad as well. You can even create a basket for the new dad that would include a diaper bag that isn't so dainty. A manly bag with new parenting books, diapers, wipes, and his own new dad coffee/tea travel cup would make a Christmas gift basket he'd appreciate.


Simple Things to Keep in Mind When Buying a Used Car

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 09:39 AM PST

When one wants to start looking at vehicles there are a few things they should keep in mind when it comes to buying a used car. It's important when considering buying from a private seller that you make sure you check with State Authorities to make sure you aren't going to inherit any additional costs and that the vehicle is permitted to be sold free and clear.

Make sure you ask as many questions about the vehicle as you can and you shouldn't go buying a used car in adverse conditions as it can hide imperfections. Buying a used car can save you money so long as you are cautious in your purchasing methods.

Buying a used car from a dealer can often be more secure since you can request a car check guarantee, but you still should check with State Authorities to make sure you aren't getting additional costs.


Homeowners Who Buy Outdoor Furniture Turn to the Internet for Expertise

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 09:32 AM PST

Many homeowners who are looking to buy outdoor furniture to accent their homes for their own comfort and for entertaining guests often look to the Internet in order to learn about what kinds of pieces would best complement their living space.

From stylish and modern pieces to cushiony comfort, when people buy outdoor furniture, they want to be able to tell others about the brands and styles they have chosen, and furniture blogs are the perfect places to learn this information. When it comes to getting ideas and inspiration, these posts are also a mecca for people who are looking for fresh ideas for decorating their patios and poolside areas with furniture that is affordable and long-lasting, as well as attractive. When people buy outdoor furniture, knowing what they should be paying for certain items helps them to save time and money as they shop locally and online.


Permanent Hair Removal Equipment Explained

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 09:28 AM PST

One of the most common beauty treatments today is electrolysis, waxing or any other form of unwanted hair removal. But not all permanent hair removal equipment is created equally. Lasers specifically designed for the precise location and lifting of hair by the roots are constantly being upgraded. For example, the permanent hair removal equipment available today are more powerful and able to travel further below the surface of the skin than similar equipment from just one year ago.

Newer equipment is also more precise and takes less time to complete the hair removal process. As a result, existing patients find the ordeal less painful and have fewer occurrences of skin irritation and redness after a laser hair removal session. In addition, because new technology allows the laser to remove hair from the deepest part of the root, the frequency of laser hair removal treatments can be cut nearly in half.


Appealing to the New Age Via Ecommerce Website Design

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 09:21 AM PST

A well-known and successful computer company recently launched an exciting marketing campaign aimed at promoting a new tablet. The commercials are so energetic and youthful that buyers flock to the website to place orders without even knowing much about the product. Most of us do not have resources to compete with a global conglomerate advertising budget, so we have to be creative to attract steady customers and sales.

The area of internet marketing has long been a wild arena of advertising claims and unfounded promises. Ecommerce website design typically makes or breaks customer confidence. Savvy consumers are wary of pages that flash incessantly, announce them as the one millionth visitor, or promise free gift cards. Professional images and fonts will boost confidence more than psychedelic colors and extravagant or multiple fonts within the page. To attract and retain customers, an effective ecommerce website design brands your company and products or services.



Posted: 05 Dec 2012 05:44 AM PST


日期: 6/12/2012
活動: 怪談電影 - 撩鬼之「先撩者死」課外活動
嘉賓: 司徒法正 、 林熹瞳 、 趙哲妤 、 李泳希 、
鐘弦 。
時間: 19:00 - 19:45
地點: 旺角百老匯戲院門口

日期: 6/12/2012
活動: 《歡樂滿東華2012》「魅力嬌娃舞翩翩」排練探班
嘉賓: 陳煒 、 許亦妮 、 張秀文 、 黃心穎 。
時間: 20:30
地點: 將軍澳電視廣播城一廠

日期: 5/12/2012 - 9/12/2012
活動: 舞台劇《極地情聖》
嘉賓: 黃秋生 、 梁祖堯 。
時間: 20:00
地點: 灣仔告士打道一號香港演藝學院歌劇院

日期: 6/12/2012 - 7/12/2012
活動: 雲星劇場「甄妮『愛Show Encore』世界巡迴演唱會完美篇」
嘉賓: 甄妮 。
時間: 20:30
地點: 馬來西亞雲頂雲星劇場

日期: 6/12/2012
活動: 《Music Cafe》錄影
嘉賓: 鄭融 。
地點: 將軍澳電視廣播城

日期: 6/12/2012
活動: Brother Printer Party
嘉賓: 占 。
時間: 12:00
地點: 中環

日期: 6/12/2012
活動: 《神槍狙擊2013》造型
嘉賓: 張兆輝 、 謝天華 、 徐子珊 、 岑麗香 、
陳煒 、 張嘉兒 、 秦煌 、 李國麟 、
楊愛謹 、 李豪 、 歐瑞偉 、 雪妮 、
李子奇 、 林偉 、 翟威廉 、 溫家偉 、
魏焌皓 、 陳志健 、 曾守明 、 楊潮凱 、
劉天龍 、 Joe Junior 、 楊瑞麟 、 魯振順 、
陳榮峻 、 鄭健樂 、 張智軒 、 陳芷尤 、
關永忠 。
時間: 12:30
地點: 將軍澳電視廣播城一廠灰位

日期: 6/12/2012
嘉賓: 郭穎兒 、 鐘采羲 。
時間: 14:00 - 15:00
地點: 鑽石山龍蟠街3號荷里活廣場一樓明星廣場

日期: 6/12/2012
活動: 周大福「色彩人生 天然彩寶巡展」 傳媒預覽會
嘉賓: 徐子珊 。
時間: 14:15
地點: 尖沙咀河內道18號K11購物藝術館G06號舖

日期: 6/12/2012
活動: Yes!!School Tour 2012
嘉賓: 小龍鳳 。
時間: 14:35 - 15:50
地點: 北角雲景道81號閩僑中學

日期: 6/12/2012
活動: 十二月星辰
嘉賓: 朱晨麗 、 黃智雯 、 陳智燊 、 陳國峰 、
馬蹄露 、 王淑玲 、 蘇恩磁 、 蓋世寶 、
章志文 、 謝東閔 、 歐瑞偉 、 張穎康 、
黎桐康 、 林偉 、 溫家偉 、 黃鍵麟 、
楊潮凱 、 楊智朗 、 張嘉汶 、 趙希洛 、
劉桂芳 、 梁珈詠 、 黃梓瑋 。
時間: 15:15
地點: 將軍澳電視廣播城新聞及停車場大樓三樓西餐廳

日期: 6/12/2012
活動: 明珠台《明珠絕色:萬里傲翔》記者會
嘉賓: 宋熙年 、 黃心穎 、 朱千雪 、 高鈞賢 、
周志文 、 陳家麟 、 黃錦強 、 梁嘉善 、
鍾賜佳 、 蘇文郁 。
時間: 16:00
地點: 荃灣青山公路398號愉景新城購物商場L1天幕廣場

日期: 6/12/2012
活動: TonySame革新旗艦店進駐香港
嘉賓: Jessica C 、 李燦琛 、 鄭丹瑞 、 周美鳳 、
王賢誌 、 鄭志剛 、 蔡加讚 、 蔡漢成 、
鄧清河 。
時間: 18:30
地點: 尖沙咀河內道18號K11購物藝術館L1-112






andy陳偉香港yahoo blog


@李彩华rainli李彩桦 ,暢談圈中三段情:林峰,@萧定一,@王傲山Marcus,

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 01:34 AM PST

藝人李彩華(Rain)接受有線《星級會客室》主持周美鳳訪問,談到感情生活李彩華笑言當中「有真又有假」。問她有否同林峰拍過拖,她只不斷笑而不語,未有否認。李彩華笑言覺得林峰以前帥一點。她大讚林峰為人細心,大爆拍戲時會買零食給她及等她收工車她回家,可惜拍完劇後各有各忙慢慢忘記了對方。談到蕭定一,李彩華淡淡然表示只是工作夥伴。李彩華又強忍淚水憶述與金融才俊王傲山一段隔空分手的舊情。 [15:35] 2012/12/05 【 東方互動 專訊】











andy陳偉香港yahoo blog


Foreign Nationals Look to the U.S. for Management Training

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 08:36 AM PST

A public broadcasting program aired not too long ago investigated the phenomenon of an increasing number of foreign nationals coming into the U.S. for management training and university educations. A large number of colleges have been accepting these nationals because of the advantages to the institutions; for example, any foreign national who attends a U.S. university must pay the entire tuition out of pocket because they do not qualify for financial aid. U.S.-based management training is also becoming more popular with these individuals, whose numbers were over half of those attending one recent seminar that took place in Massachusetts.

Other studies have shown that the number of foreign nationals who are actively traveling to the U.S. specifically for management training is on the rise as well, which indicates that they are taking what they learn back to their home countries and applying it to their own businesses, making the U.S. a management model.


Medical Examiner Isn’t Needed if Donating Organs Following a Cardiac Death

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 08:32 AM PST

In order to prepare for organ donation following a cardiac death several steps must be done. You have to first contact the transplantation people to make sure it is even possible and consent from the family must be obtained before any donation can be done because they need to know that the donation period will not take too much time to be completed. In some cases the coroner has to give his permission before donations and blood must be taken for testing and to type the tissue to find a suitable match.

Organ preservation has to be facilitated and because of medico-legal reasons this cannot be done in NSW. There must also be a transplant team on the ready in case of a donation, however, this team cannot be part of the withdrawal of the organ or take part in determining death. There is generally a preoperative assessment before the donation can be completed. A medical examiner is normally not needed if a patient died from natural causes.


A Lost Self-Managed Super Fund May Be Costing You Money

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 08:23 AM PST

A number of Australians who have a self-managed super fund are losing hundreds of dollars a year from the account in insurance premiums and other fees due to the holders either losing track of the fund or not even knowing that it exists. Studies show that there are millions of these self-managed super fund accounts are shrinking each year because their owners have lost track of them.

Even if these funds no longer receive contributions from the owner, the premiums are still deducted each year, and in some cases, the account is completely drained. Individuals should contact their local tax office to check and see if they have any lost super accounts that are being eaten up by fees. Those who have held a number of part-time jobs have lost track of a self-managed super fund from one or more of those jobs and are at risk of losing money.


Commercial Loans: Slick Business Decisions

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 08:17 AM PST

Rather than taking a chance on the unstable East African business fuel companies, Woodside Petroleum chief executive Peter Coleman has decided to capture a new market for business fuel. The best part of this for Woodside is that it will not have to arrange for commercial loans to fund this new venture. Financing businesses, especially in the energy and fuel industry, can be tedioius work. Many factors are reviewed before deciding whether to extend commercial loans. East African economies are notoriously strewn with political and civil turmoil, not to mention corruption.

Focusing on new and untapped markets, notably Myanmar with Daewoo of South Korea, allows Woodside to reap benefits of the finished product without growing pains. Since South Korea has only recently considered outside business partnerships, it comes well equipped and in no need of commercial loans. Negotiations should prove mutually beneficial.


IT Business For Sale: The New Generation Gift?

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 08:12 AM PST

With retailers and storefront merchants struggling to stay in business over the years, many have decided to close up shop. Rigid demands of customer satisfaction and competitive online pricing have forced many business out of the marketplace. While you may not see an IT business for sale, you will find many retails shops up for grabs.

Why the difference? Simply put, supply and demand rule the market for most industries. However, if you are seeking an IT business for sale, you have to look beyond mainstream markets. Specialized technology based companies are well grounded and usually stable. Service industries differ from material industries. Most retailers cannot monopolize their product, computer and support companies draw customers with knowledge and service levels.

If you are seeking an IT business for sale, stay off the streets and make direct contact with small or known companies to strike a deal.


The Right Children’s Beds Are Vital for Your Child’s Sleep

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 08:07 AM PST

New studies are showing that sleepiness are contributing to poor grades and learning problems, but the right children's beds can help your child get the right amount of sleep that he or she needs. The study indicated that children who do not get the sleep they need are more irritable and may have problems focusing on school work during the day.

In addition, children who complain that they are sleepy should be examined by a doctor to determine whether or not a medical condition is to blame before considering whether or not the children's beds are the source of the problem. In many cases, sleepiness in children is dismissed as being a minor issue, but in reality, it can cause problems throughout the child's academic career in terms of discipline issues, having the ability to focus on work, and emotional well-being, so parents and teachers should be vigilant in spotting the signs.


Shop for Fun and Unique Baby Toys Online This Christmas

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 07:59 AM PST

Buying baby toys online is one way to make your holiday shopping fun and easy, and this year, Etsy has all of your shopping wrapped up when it comes to making the little ones on your list happy. From cozy handmade pillows to dream-inducing crib mobiles and personalized gifts, these gifts will be treasured and remembered for years to come.

Why give the same old gifts or fight the crowds at name-brand stores when you can shop in the privacy of your own home, on your own time? You will find toys like this nowhere else and you won't have to worry about anyone else getting them the same gift. Not only are these toys handmade, but they are also affordable so that you can buy one for each baby on your list. Finding baby toys online has never been easier, and this collection will keep the babies on your list jolly all year long.


WPA Publishes Wood Selection Guide for Choosing Yard Fence Materials

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 07:53 AM PST

When planning a yard fence, whether to mark off a pleasant front yard property line or to ensure privacy against nosy neighbours in the back garden, many homeowners and businesses find themselves confused at the first step: Choosing a material. Many people prefer wood as a fencing material for its beauty, flexibility, and strength, but are stymied at the sheer varieties of wood available.

Answering a call from architects for a simple, visual guide to wood materials, the Wood Protection Association has published a guide to wood selection. One of the main features of the Guide is benchmark information measuring materials against the durability requirements of British Standard Use Classes. All types of wood typically used in a yard fence – naturally durable, preservative-treated, modified, flame retardant, engineered woods, and wood-based sheeting – are included. The Guide should make planning and choosing materials for a yard fence or other type of fence much easier.


Death of Adobe Flash Training May Be Exaggerated

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 07:49 AM PST

For many, Adobe Flash remains deprecated for a variety of reasons: It's bugginess, it's resource demands, it's closed-source nature. When Apple made the decision to not bother supporting Flash in iOS as a rule, many rejoiced and announced that Flash was done, soon to be replaced by emerging technologies such as HTML5. However, as anyone who uses the Internet knows, this hasn't come to pass, and it still pays to invest in Adobe Flash training.

Flash remains popular because it is still the closest thing to making the Internet into television, which is secretly what designers seem to want and not so secretly what users seem to want. As televisions gain connectivity and programs gain meta data and Internet-only content, Adobe Flash training is only going to become more necessary.

While HTML5 may someday make Flash irrelevant, it isn't there yet. Until it is, keep that Adobe Flash training up to date.



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