Tuesday, December 11, 2012

PGHK #384 Leng Tiⁿ (冷天)

PGHK #384 Leng Tiⁿ (冷天)

PGHK #384 Leng Tiⁿ (冷天)

Posted: 09 Dec 2012 09:30 AM PST


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Guests: Bo Mo· Peh, Lau Kau Kiaⁿ, Eng Kok Tiong, Cha Bo· Po,

Since the cold weather is arriving rapidly, we decided to discuss about cold weather for those who grew up in the tropical Penang. We also shared our experience when we saw our first snow.


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Protect Your Investment with Merlin Garage Remote Controls

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 05:54 PM PST

Once associated with luxury and convenience, remote garage door openers have become known as part of a full-service home security package. One thing remains a constant in this ever-changing world; the Merlin name is symbolic with quality.A pioneer in the business, they have established a meaningful market share. Merlin garage remote controls are reliable devices that enable homeowners to safely command outside entryways to open or close without leaving their vehicle. Similarly, business owners can secure their property with simple remote entry devices or control high-traffic delivery areas from a separate location.

Merlin garage remote controls now represent the best of both world: safety and security meets comfort and convenience. Businesses and individuals have long been satisfied with the results of professional installation from an a leader in the industry. Whether you are securing the perimeter or your family from the many external elements, trust the name you know.

Source: http://www.asial.com.au/Assets/578/1/ASIALFactSheet_PracticalTips4SecuringYourHome.pdf

[Travelogue] 行走古城

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 06:04 PM PST

St John's Church,古城区最高的建筑



维尔纽斯旧城不大,步行的话大概数小时,基本不用一天就走完了。不过,我就花了几天来走这些地方,包括大教堂、Gediminas城堡等地方。主要是因为不习惯冷冷的天气,然后也放缓脚步,慢慢欣赏我第一次踏足的东欧风情。旧城区里最多的就是教堂,有天主教的,也有俄罗斯东正教(Russian Orthodox)和希腊东正教(Greek Catholic)不同源流的教派。建筑风格也各异,哥德式、巴洛克式和拜占庭式的建筑都有。感觉上维尔纽斯古城就是个文化大杂烩的地区,小小的范围包含了各种不同的元素,让我窥探欧洲的精彩一面。

我每次都走路到教堂广场(Cathedral Square)开始我的旅途,在这里仰望白色的大教堂和钟楼仿佛成了指定动作。广场右侧有条步行街Pilies Street,那是维尔纽斯最老的街道,充满着老城的风味。从这里穿过几条小径,就来到了古城最美丽的教堂圣安纳教堂(St Anne's Church)。这座哥德式的建筑以三十三种砖块建成,至今屹立了超过五个世纪,是维尔纽斯主要建筑。圣安纳教堂精致的外观难以教人不留下深刻印象。这座教堂有不少传说,其中最叫人津津乐道的是当年拿破仑来到这座教堂,恨不得希望教堂能放在他手掌上好让他把教堂搬回法国巴黎。传说不一定是真的,但足以显见圣安纳教堂的美丽。紧挨着St Anne's Church的Bernadine's Church也是立陶宛其中一座哥德式教堂。


Bernadine's Church

 途中也看见这个St Archangel Michael church

古城一带都有方向牌指引各个主要景点,不易迷失。循着指示牌走,就会看见两个主要的广场。一个是总统府(Presidential Palace)和维尔纽斯大学(Vilnius University)的所在,另一个则是市政厅(Town Hall)。市政厅前的广场是举行主要城市庆典的地点。一路上也看见各种不同派别的教堂,让我能捕捉这个城市的风景,也对我去过的城市多了一些了解。

Town Hall

Presidential Palace

Vilnius University

Three Crosses Hill,在Gediminas Castle旁的小山坡上的三座十字架,彰显天主教在这城市的地位。

Piatnckaya Church

 St Nicholas Orthodox Church

Church of the Holy Spirit

Gate of Dawn,原名为Medininkai Gate。是古城区的边界。这建筑有个St Marie's Compassion Mother Chapel,于是也被认为是教堂。

St. Casimir Church,原本是天主教堂,后来变成俄罗斯东正教堂,苏联统治时期曾是无神论博物馆。不少立陶宛的教堂都曾经历这般的转变。这座巴洛克式建筑最引人注目的地方就是那皇冠状的屋顶。

St Catherine Church

不在古城区里的Church of St. Philip and St. Jacob


Get Unique Wedding Invites From Seesaw Designs

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 05:47 PM PST

Seesaw Designs is a graphic design group based in Australia that specializes in letter press unique wedding invites. Run by three creative and enthusiastic women, Raquel, Angela, and Lindsay, Seesaw Designs is one of the best designing groups you could ever choose to get your wedding invites designed. These women get into the heart of what you want (they recently went to a funeral home to see if they could incorporate better design hues for an undertaker client's web brochure) and make sure you get scads of value for every penny you spend on them.

According to Lindsay, "We are business people later and creative artists first. We make sure you get proper letterpress designs for your unique wedding invites." They have been using the cumbersome letterpresses for a lot of their friends and family. Obviously if you need a wedding invite designed, they would be there for 'a solid week', as Lindsay puts it.

Source: http://design.org/blog/interview-seesaw-designs

Business on the Move With Modular Office

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 05:21 PM PST

In the corporate world today, innovative thinking is the key to success. The race is no longer fought in the conference room or even at the advertising desk, but rather in the field. The marketplace has always been the pulse of any business product or service. Before the world was at our fingertips, consumers were satisfied with management being housed in a faraway corporate headquarters. However, now the demand is for the corporation to be visible within the community.

Businesses ranging from construction to telecommunication companies are setting up shop in our own backyard to meet customer expectations. To avoid long-term leases on expensive temporary office space, many companies are turning to modular office construction to meet their needs. Modular office space is a secure and efficient mobile workspace that can be quickly transported as required by the nature of the business. An ingenious way to stay a cut above the competition.

Source: http://www.modularconstructionnews.com/ME2/dirmod.asp?sid=&nm=&type=media&mod=Media+Manager&mid=8E7ADACE794A4BDC91C037C7C03EB903&tier=3&rid=220084C0FD9842F98B1FE521A0ED67E3

How Stress Hypnosis can Benefit Sufferers

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 05:21 PM PST

Many individuals have debilitating stress disorders that can limit their interaction and function with society. They may withdraw and try to seclude themselves from those around them. Stress Hypnosis can help those afflicted by allowing them to safely relive the events that triggered the stress. This treatment can give the individual a chance to lessen the impact that those events caused in their daily lives.

Stress Hypnosis gives them tools which they can use to minimize the impact and deal with issues accordingly. Studies confirm the use of controlled Stress Hypnosis is a very beneficial tool which may allow life changing behaviours to occur. Doing a comparison between several different groups, the individuals that were given the Stress Hypnosis had better coping skills in their future. This type of restructuring of their cognitive skills allowed them the opportunity to deal with their issues. This will help improve their wellness in life.

Source: http://www.naturalnews.com/026725_hypnosis_disorder_stress.html

Towering Waterfront Landmark is a Complete Success for Accommodation, Sydney

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 05:07 PM PST

If you are looking for an accommodation Sydney, you can't go wrong with the newly rebuilt and restored Jacksons Landing site. The final stages are complete and it has now become a residential hub that has taken approximately 16 years to build. This area has become the new hub of the harbor and over the years it is believed it will continue to grow.

The housing consists of high and low rise buildings and almost 3,000 residents now call it home and they can even bring the four-legged family members with them. The property also contains commercial space that is the workplace for approximately 1,000 people. The site had been sitting undeveloped for many years and now that the new housing is complete it has been the rage in Sydney. The completion of the project has brought new life into Sydney and its neighbouring cities.

Source: http://www.news.com.au/realestate/buying/waterfront-landmark-a-towering-success/story-fndban6l-1226526400671

Finding Reasonably Priced Action Toys Online

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 04:49 PM PST

There's a number of ways to save this season when it comes to buying action figures and other toys online. You can choose to shop the overwhelming amount of toy stores and shops, but there's also free online classified ads that can prove to save you quite a bit of money.

Many retailers and private owners of toys advertise on the free classified sites in order to boost their sales. Many people believe the free classifieds are for used toys only, but this just isn't true. There's a variety of new, unopened, without tags, toys online for you to choose from at a significant savings on the classifieds.

You can also find that many individuals and retailers have those hard to find toys online. They can be ones from a long time ago, a collectable, or just one that has didn't quite make the top of the line toy.

Source: http://tfieds.toynewsi.com/

Choosing the Right Ceiling Fans Brisbane Suppliers Offer

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 04:48 PM PST

There's a large variety of ceiling fans Brisbane suppliers have available but before you go shopping take a few of these tips into consideration.

One of the first things you want to consider is what the main function of the ceiling fan will be, it's airflow, design, or lighting. If airflow is the main function, you'll want to discuss motor sizes with your ceiling fans Brisbane supplier.

You'll want to consider the space you have available for the fan. A ceiling fans Brisbane supplier will have a variety of sizes available, but not all designs will be in all sizes, so your choice may be limited in design depending on the size.

Another thing to take into consideration is the availability of replacement parts if the need should arise. Although your ceiling fans Brisbane supplier may carry replacement parts, some parts for some fans may be difficult to get a hold of.

Source: http://ceilingfans.blog.com/2011/03/16/before-you-buy/

Keeping Your Pool Pump and Filter Free of Calcium Deposits

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 04:40 PM PST

If you've ever wondered what the white build up is around your pool or in and around your pool pump and filter, well it's calcium deposits. Our waters have minerals including calcium that gets left behind as our pool water evaporates. Many people will drain their pools in order to keep the calcium from building up but this isn't necessary.

There are many companies that can help eliminate calcium build up by recycling the water. You can save on time, chemicals and money by having a company recycle your pool water. It is an environmentally safe and effective way to remove harsh minerals from the pool water that can cause damage to your pool pump and filter, not to mention unsightly white staining of your liner or tiles. A pool water mobile filtrations system will strip your pool water of all harsh minerals while preserving about 85 percent of the water.

Source: http://www.poolcare101.com/entry.php?151-What-Is-This-White-Stuff-On-My-Tile&s=826520a69edbd59e43b06207242635e4

It’s Time to Think Investment Property With Melbourne’s Population on the Rise

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 04:20 PM PST

One of the most livable cities, Melbourne, will see a tremendous population growth in the next few decades. It's projected that nearly half of today's population will be seen in Melbourne over the next few decades, so now just may be the right time to think about indulging in investment property.

Knowing which type of property to invest in can be the trick. With more than 60,000 new residents a year, there's going to be a real need for additional housing. Since more than 15 percent of the population, at this time, reside in apartments, it can be a safe bet to find an ideal location for apartment dwellings to invest in for the future population. It's estimated that apartment dwellers will nearly double with the increased population and with rates being so low, one can save substantially by securing investment property in Melbourne now.

Source: http://www.apimagazine.com.au/blog/2012/11/how-will-melbourne-cope-with-an-extra-two-million-people/#more-3223

What Exactly are Capped Home Loans

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 04:06 PM PST

Capped home loans have the benefit of both variable and fixed rate loans. A capped loan is similar to a fixed rate because it has the same security feature. It's actually a variable rate loan. As the interest rate goes down according to the market so will the interest rate of the loan, but will only go as high as the rate cap set by the lender, if the variable rate happens to go up.

It's also important to keep in mind that these types of loans are pretty beneficial if the interest rate is expected to be high. But these home loans often have a higher interest rate than a standard variable in the first place. Plus they're for a limited time only.

It's important to talk with a professional lender to find out which of the home loans would best suit your needs and desires.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adjustable-rate_mortgage

EDITORIAL: So Young Kang in Elle Vietnam, December 2012

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 01:54 PM PST

Model: So Young Kang (Marilyn)
Editorial: Winter Son
Magazine: Elle Vietnam, December 2012
Photographer: Angelo D'Agostino
Stylist: Allison Bornstein
Hair: Takashi Yusa
Makeup: Christine Cherbonnier
Manicure: Naoko Saita

Source: visualoptimism @ tfs


Posted: 10 Dec 2012 08:22 AM PST


日期: 11/12/2012
活動: PurrrChase Online《喵击網上特賣》一週年慶祝酒會
嘉賓: 梁寇鴻萍 、 梁延鏘 、 唐貝詩 、 唐貝欣 、
汪詩詩 、 陳淑蘭 、 羅霖 、 林志美 、
莊思敏 、 莊思明 、 陳君宜 、 陳嘉容 、
溫碧霞 、 鄭明明 、 戴妮廷 、 何紫綸 、
張文慈 、 陳見飛 、 趙哲妤 、 王璐瑤 、
黃榕 、 立奧美 、 王子涵 、 劉俐 、
鍾蕙芝 、 趙碩之 、 冼色麗 、 區文詩 、
文凱玲 、 張暖雅 、 蔡恩真 、 蕭定一 、
陳鈺芸 、 譚晴 、 葉文輝 、 顏后君 、
黃子菲 、 蕭美卡 、 彭家麗 、 張學潤 、
楊玉梅 、 深雪 、 盧頌恩 、 湛錦細 、
姚洛銘 、 李明憲 、 邵棋棋 、 歐陽偉 、
林志勇 。
時間: 18:00
地點: 金鐘法院道香港公園L16 Cafe & Bar

日期: 11/12/2012
活動: TVB職藝員聯歡晚宴2012
嘉賓: 梁乃鵬 、 李寶安 、 陳芷菁 、 崔建邦 、
兩千位台前幕後同事 。
時間: 18:00
地點: 將軍澳電視廣播城一廠停車場

日期: 11/12/2012
活動: 《街坊廚神食四方》外景
嘉賓: 金剛 、 阮小儀 、 江美儀 。
時間: 18:15
地點: 銅鑼灣謝斐道520號渣菲大廈9樓皇室盛宴

日期: 11/12/2012
活動: 台慶劇《大太監》「拉票大行動」
嘉賓: 黎耀祥 、 黃浩然 、 陳茵媺 、 陳國邦 、
胡定欣 、 曹永廉 、 岳華 、 羅永賢 。
時間: 12:30
地點: 旺角港鐵站E1地面出口→尖沙咀柏麗大道

日期: 11/12/2012
活動: 海洋公園聖誕全城Ho Ho Ho 2012揭幕活動
嘉賓: 苗樂文 、 周家蔚 、 岑麗香 。
時間: 14:30 - 15:30
地點: 海洋公園海濱樂園

日期: 11/12/2012
活動: TVB財經流動應用程式啟動禮
嘉賓: 陳國邦 、 鄭善強 、 吳詩雅 、 李健和 、
朱凱婷 。
時間: 17:30
地點: 灣仔港灣道30號新鴻基中心2樓Tamarind Pan-Asian Restaurant & Bar





andy陳偉香港yahoo blog


HK TVB無綫女摑女! 摑足兩分半鐘,史上最強!

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 08:11 AM PST


Posted: 10 Dec 2012 10:52 AM PST


我的脑已开始退化了,很多汉字在记忆里已经变成汉语拼音了,不记得它们的一笔一划是什么了,你一说"我们",我脑海中浮现的可能是"wo men"。我天天工作上用繁体字,真要叫我写我可能一个字也写不出来,或许汉字就是有这种好,有个形在那边就记得了。譬如一幅画,你不必记得每个点的颜色,你只需知道,它给了你很舒服的感觉,至于什么组成了它,却又十分模糊。


嗯,又离题了,重点是,我那时候写到了冷这个字,忽然就不知道为什么不清楚右边是令还是今。这个我从小就学会的字,在考试的短短数小时内却困扰着我,最后我就用很模糊的方式带过很多个冷(那么小就那么灰暗,哈)。虽然不知道最终改考卷的老师有没有发现到错误 ,但成绩很美就是了,哈~



正如如我所料,我今晚想写的似乎又没写出来,一直继续离题中 @ @


【圖輯】鍾嘉欣BB露底 足本逐格睇.

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 05:10 AM PST






andy陳偉香港yahoo blog


Slideshow : 1210

Posted: 09 Dec 2012 07:46 PM PST

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Posted: 22 Nov 2012 10:51 PM PST

相关文稿※ Xzoga是专为那些追寻大物的钓鱼人而设,以强碰巨,以气吞天下的强势制服对手,所以Xzoga讲求的是把体力、精神和性能,发挥的淋漓尽致的快感。Gawas则是为专业钓鱼人提供一个自我挑战的机会,能全情发挥个人钓鱼技术、实战经验、智力对策,临场反应力和耐性考验等更深层次的钓鱼精神。

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Posted: 22 Nov 2012 10:45 PM PST

一直以来,Xzoga(海神霸)以彪悍霸气的风格引领猎大物钓鱼运动(Big Game Fishing)潮流,产品的品质广为大物钓手赞赏和喜爱。



在幸运之神眷顾下,我从LCCT赶往KLIA??,有惊无险的和Xzoga队伍成员Wilson Tan、 Dennis Lee、云冰向导张万胜和万利两兄弟会合前往曼谷。








以同级数的竿子来讨论,Gawas的竿子会更纤细轻盈;但爆发出来的竿子特性,却又较其他钓竿来得更富裕。我曾以Gawas Custom 6-12磅钓竿,钓上不少6-10公斤的大鱼,其中有些6-8公斤的鲩鱼和鲈鱼,更在1分钟内便拉上岸。



Gawas GS 9863 XHF1 PE3-4(20-40磅)铁板竿,以及Xzoga Taka Pi7523 PE 3 Popping竿是主要的测试品。


Xzoga Popping竿和Gawas铁板竿虽是两种不同形态的钓竿,但在湄公鲶的考验下,完全应付得体,各有千秋,不分伯仲。看着我们遛鱼轻松上鱼又快的情况,隔壁的澳洲伯伯一脸羡慕的模样。

隔天我们前往打探得来的金目鲈钓塘,准备要测试的钓竿包括Xzoga Black Mamba - BMS 66MHF2, PE1.2, 8-18 lb、Black Mamba - BMS 70MHF2, PE1.5, 10-20 lb、Mastery - MA-S 69M, PE0.8, 8-16 lb以及Gawas GC 9965MF1 -??PE0.8, 8-16 lb样本竿。










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