Saturday, December 15, 2012

Using a Contractor Database Helps Employers Manage Staff

Using a Contractor Database Helps Employers Manage Staff

Using a Contractor Database Helps Employers Manage Staff

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 12:25 AM PST

Successful employers know that in order to run an efficient business or department, you must know your employees and contractors. Pre-screening and the personal interview process both give an indication of character and experience. However, more information is needed to ensure the individual is the "right fit" for your organization. Conducting research using a contractor database, internet searches, especially using social networking sites have become common practice among employers. Additionally, behavioral style interviewing is a popular interviewing method to determine what an employee or contractor may do in a given situation based on their past performance.

Once an employee or contractor has been hired, employers may still want to retain records to ensure the correct decision has been made. A thorough and regular review of employee files, performance reviews is prudent business practice. Consult a contractor database to regularly review license renewal and background status for temporary or revolving contractors.


Investing Money Can Be Risky

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 12:14 AM PST

You read about it in the papers, hear it on the news; the stock market fell and those who have been investing money have lost a fortune. The Banksia Financial Group lost an unheard of 600 million dollars in their collapse and many more companies will collapse in the future. It's just part of the investment world and if you don't have the money to lose, you probably shouldn't invest it in the first place.

There are some stocks you can watch to see what they might or might not do, but there are some that come in strong and people invest their money and the next thing you know, the company has gone belly up and all of those investors have lost a great deal of money. Know what you are investing in before you invest to help lower your chances of losing what you had hoped to gain.


Deco and Silver Jewellery

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 12:14 AM PST

Deco and silver jewellery go hand in hand when accessorizing any outfit that you have. It is important that when you are trying to find accessories for that one of a kind outfit that you found to wear to that party of the year. The holidays are the perfect time to dress up and wear all of those things that you've had hiding in the back of the closet since last year.

Pick your perfect dress, and then work on putting together the perfect bracelet, earrings, necklace and whatever else you want to wear to the party. You can find a huge variety of silver jewellery that will go with any colour dress you want to wear. And you never go wrong when it comes to silver. More and more people are turning to silver to accessorize rather than gold which is what used to be the norm.


Purchasing Blinds Online

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 12:04 AM PST

Covering windows in your home or office has never been easier. In fact, the hardest part is deciding which options to choose. Blinds offer an easy way to control the lighting and temperature of conference rooms, bedrooms and just about any other room. They are lightweight and can be customized to fit any window. Likewise, blinds are used to secure businesses after hours by preventing potential criminals from having access to the inside components of the building.

Buying blinds online makes the shopping and delivery processes seamless. Many sites feature measuring tips to accurately order the correct sizes. There are also tutorials available to help with installation if you forgo the professional installation option. Choosing your blinds online also allows you to "live with" the decision a few days before taking the final step to purchase. When you are satisfied with the choices, you are a few clicks away from new blinds!


Buying Stocks in the Tech World

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 12:03 AM PST

When buying stocks you might want to consider investing in tech stocks since they seem to continue to grow no matter what the market seems to be doing. Tech stocks such as Dell and Hewlett-Packard are going up each day and it doesn't look like they will see a downturn anytime soon.

Sometimes it's hard to decide where to put your hard earned money because you just don't know what the market will do from one day to the next, but buying stocks in the tech field will more than likely give you an increase in the amount of money you put into them to begin with. And that's what investing in the stock market is all about; making money for you. Pandora is also a stock that continues to rise each day; so that is one to consider when buying stocks or deciding where to invest your money.


Two Million Dollars Cut from State Government Due to Printing Online

Posted: 14 Dec 2012 11:51 PM PST

To help save money on its state government budget, two million dollars has been cut simply by going to printing online. Many independent firms have gone to printing online and the state government decided to follow suit. They have taken over 50,000 copies of reports that were normally printed on paper and will now be done online.

The Queensland government needed to cut its budget by about six million dollars and this change in the way they do business will help to decrease that overage by two million; leaving only four million to try to cut. This will however affect those who were getting paid to do the printing for the state government, but it was a change that the state felt they needed to make. While there is still a need for some people to actually have a hard copy of a document, most should be able to make the change with no problem.


Phonewords Australia May Increase Business

Posted: 14 Dec 2012 11:33 PM PST

Every business wants to stand apart from the competition and become more marketable to their intended audience. One way to complete that is with catchy advertising slogans and memorable jingles. Personalized business phonewords Australia are also a great way to make your phone number memorable. Using a partial business name or logo in the phone number helps brand your business while simultaneously making your company easy for new customers to find.

Phonewords Australia are available for the partial or whole phone number, depending on the business name and phone number availability. Among the latest business branding techniques, phonewords are the most effective and easiest to obtain. Phonewords complete the task at hand by providing a working phone number, and they provide an extra service in the free advertising. Many times the words can be played into additional advertising services such as radio spots or business cards, and embedded logos.



Posted: 14 Dec 2012 08:39 PM PST



TOUCH WOOD~阿彌陀佛,天下無災無難^^

A Review of the HTC Windows 8 Office Mobile

Posted: 14 Dec 2012 05:36 PM PST

To sum up HTC Windows 8 – stylish is the word! This version 8 Windows phone is a refreshing modification of the Windows 7. Unlike Apple and Samsung which are app centric, this mobile remains information centric in its design as an office mobile. With the latest MS Office and syncing properties attached to the phone, you would have no need for a laptop or computer at all, and can work on the go. In other words, the HTC Windows 8 is smarter than your average smart phone and a great asset to have.

If you are someone who is concerned about the aesthetics of the design, the phone is bright at resolutions of 1280 x 720 screen equipped with a 1.5 Ghz processor with 1 GB RAM with overall 8 GB of storage space included in the sleek and slender design, which makes it very fast. The HTC Windows 8 is definitely a must have.



Posted: 14 Dec 2012 08:23 AM PST


日期︰ 2012年12月15日 (六),
寒戰中的劉傑輝@郭富城 會同廣大市民見面,
活動︰ 油尖旺滅罪禁毒活動,
時間︰ 17:00-19:15,
地點︰ 尖沙咀香港文化中心露天廣場C區。

日期: 13/12/2012 - 16/12/2012
活動: 舞台劇《極地情聖》
嘉賓: 黃秋生 、 梁祖堯 。
時間: 20:00
地點: 灣仔告士打道一號香港演藝學院歌劇院

日期: 14/12/2012 - 15/12/2012
活動: 國際展貿中心「蝦仔爹哋II音樂舞台劇」
嘉賓: 盧海鵬 、 賈思樂 、 林建明 、 戚美珍 、
金剛 、 吳君如 、 陳百祥 、 曾志偉 、
梁家輝 、 陳慧琳 、 林峯 、 苗僑偉 、
廖安麗 、 江欣燕 、 林曉峰 、 黃日華 、
吳啟華 、 朱咪咪 、 梁烈唯 、 余慕蓮 。
時間: 20:00
地點: 九龍灣展貿徑一號國際展貿中心匯星

日期: 14/12/2012 - 15/12/2012
活動: 雲星劇場「張信哲雲頂演唱會2012」
嘉賓: 張信哲 。
時間: 20:30
地點: 馬來西亞雲頂雲星劇場

日期: 14/12/2012 - 16/12/2012
活動: 香港體育館「『為愛啟丞』楊丞琳世界巡迴演唱會香港站」
嘉賓: 楊丞琳。
時間: 20:15
地點: 紅磡暢運道9號香港體育館

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 樂善堂大使Event
嘉賓: 洪卓立 。
時間: 11:00
地點: 沙田

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 第47屆工展會 - 「情牽一線 恆愛行動2012」開幕禮
嘉賓: 楊愛瑾 、 方力申 。
時間: 12:00 - 13:00
地點: 銅鑼灣維多利亞公園工展會舞台

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 恒基兆業商場「麥兜Fun享聖誕夢想旅程」 - 星Sing音樂Fun享會
嘉賓: 苟芸慧 。
時間: 14:00
地點: 荃灣眾安街68號荃灣城市中心Ⅰ期

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 第三屆「中華國際潛水暨渡假觀光展」開幕典禮
嘉賓: 陳法蓉 。
時間: 14:00
地點: 灣仔香港會議展覽中心Hall 3G

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 黃埔新天地「流行音樂超級小巨星大賽」初賽
嘉賓: 羅力威 、 AOA 、 梁棨寧 、 葉文輝 。
時間: 14:00
地點: 紅磡黃埔新天地時尚坊地庫

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 澳洲Airline Event
嘉賓: 蔡卓妍 。
時間: 14:00
地點: 銅鑼灣告士打道280號世貿中心

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 2012鏗鏗畢業盛會x聖誕迎新聚會
嘉賓: 許廷鏗 。
時間: 14:00 - 17:00
地點: 九龍灣展貿徑一號國際展貿中心Emax

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 樂壇K歌大熱唱@馬鞍山新港城中心
嘉賓: 王祖藍 、 張敬軒 、 王菀之 、 劉浩龍 、
藍奕邦 、 小肥 、 鄭融 、 江若琳
HotCha 、 陳思彤 、 C AllStar 、 羅力威 、
區文詩 、 Super Girls 、 李國能 、 盧頌恩 。
時間: 14:30
地點: 馬鞍山西沙路628號新港城中心L2天幕廣場

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 荃新天地「甜蜜聖誕樂繽紛」 - 糖衣派對裙喜聖誕巡禮
嘉賓: Shine 、 何傲兒 、 楊柳青 。
時間: 14:30 - 15:30
地點: 荃灣楊屋道1號荃新天地高層地下中庭

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 皇室堡 X 大耳查布「俄羅斯小鎮開心X'mas」 - Connie Talbot《Beautiful World》分享會
嘉賓: Connie Talbot 、 The Macs 、 劉秀樺 、 宋熙年 。
時間: 15:00
地點: 銅鑼灣告士打道311號皇室堡地下中庭

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: TefuTefu代言人簽約儀式暨《TefuTefu 100% Like攝影比賽》頒獎活動
嘉賓: 黃智雯 、 林峯 。
時間: 15:00
地點: 銅鑼灣告士打道280號世貿中心P1中庭

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 聖誕節佈道會
嘉賓: 麥貝夷 。
時間: 15:00
地點: 沙田愉田苑五旬節林漢光中學

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 糖妹與您甜甜約會
嘉賓: 黃山怡 。
時間: 15:00 - 18:00
地點: 澳門銀河綜合渡假城東翼廣場

日期: 15/12/2012
嘉賓: 周國賢 、 BUSKIC 、 Guy Le Claire Trio 、 Lil'ashes 、
CLOrk 、 Ox 。
時間: 15:30
地點: 金鐘添馬公園iBakery Gallery Cafe

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 第69屆聖誕婚紗、婚宴及結婚服務博覽
嘉賓: 朱千雪 。
時間: 16:30
地點: 灣仔港灣道一號香港會議展覽中心Hall 1

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 金沙城中心「摘星之旅」
嘉賓: 陳國邦 。
時間: 17:00
地點: 澳門金沙城中心金沙廣場3樓

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: Your Prince will Come汪東城聖誕盛會
嘉賓: 汪東城 。
時間: 17:00
地點: 尖沙咀彌敦道132號美麗華商場B1地庫

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 山頂廣場「樂在山頂」
嘉賓: 林德信 。
時間: 17:00 - 19:00
地點: 山頂廣場

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 聖誕頌歌節2012
嘉賓: 裕美 。
時間: 17:15
地點: 大角咀奧海城

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 金沙城中心「終極巨星」
嘉賓: 鄭伊健 、 林嘉欣 。
時間: 17:30
地點: 澳門金沙城中心金沙廣場3樓

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 麥當勞「6pm It's Mac Time!」活動
嘉賓: 周柏豪 、 官恩娜 。
時間: 18:00
地點: 金鐘夏愨道18號海富中心地下1-41號舖麥當勞

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 金沙城中心「星光之夜」紅地氈典禮及打手印儀式
嘉賓: 洪金寶 、 鄭裕玲 、 張震 、 吳尊 、
鄭伊健 、 張智霖 、 林嘉欣 、 草蜢 、
張榕容 。
時間: 18:30
地點: 澳門喜來登金沙城中心酒店大堂

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 第47屆工展會 - 「文藝繽紛 名牌薈萃」-開幕禮暨綜合匯演
嘉賓: 陳柏宇 、 區文詩 、 李創偉 、 KellyJackie
陳蕊蕊 、 姚浩政 、 張加慧 、 陳鈺芸
時間: 18:30 - 21:30
地點: 銅鑼灣維多利亞公園工展會舞台

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 【Musicholic 0距離】與周柏豪0距離接觸
嘉賓: 周柏豪 。
時間: 19:00 - 20:00
地點: 旺角西洋菜街南2J-2Q新江大樓地下8號舖及一樓One2Free

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 石圍角喜迎聖誕嘉年華暨綜合晚會
嘉賓: 魯振順 。
時間: 19:30
地點: 石圍角社區會堂禮堂

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 油尖旺滅罪禁毒親子同樂夜
嘉賓: 裕美 。
時間: 19:30
地點: 尖沙咀梳士巴利道10號香港文化中心露天廣場C區

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 國際展貿中心「MC JIN Live for JIN掂丼派對音樂會」
嘉賓: 歐陽靖 、 唐嘉麟 、 譚淇淇 。
時間: 20:00
地點: 九龍灣展貿徑一號國際展貿中心Music Zone@E-Max

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 你知道唔知道古巨基告別我的戀人們音樂會2之告別Single Night
嘉賓: 古巨基 。
時間: 20:00
地點: 灣仔告士打道一號香港演藝學院香港賽馬會演藝劇院

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: 香港會議展覽中心「2012盧廣仲『燃燒卡洛里』香港演唱會」
嘉賓: 盧廣仲 。
時間: 20:15
地點: 灣仔香港會議展覽中心Hall 5BC

日期: 15/12/2012
活動: Live Stage@朗豪坊
嘉賓: 吳彤 。
時間: 21:00 - 21:45
地點: 旺角亞皆老街8號朗豪坊12/F Live Stage





andy陳偉香港yahoo blog


第九十間 - 葡吉小廚@台北

Posted: 14 Dec 2012 04:59 AM PST

台北2012 - 葡吉小廚 (1)

台北2012 - 葡吉小廚 (2)

台北2012 - 葡吉小廚 (3)

台北2012 - 葡吉小廚 (4)

台北2012 - 葡吉小廚 (5)

台北2012 - 葡吉小廚 (6)

第八十九間 - 潮廷@新加坡

Posted: 14 Dec 2012 04:51 AM PST

Singapore 2012 - 潮廷 (1)

Singapore 2012 - 潮廷 (2)

Singapore 2012 - 潮廷 (3)

Singapore 2012 - 潮廷 (4)

Singapore 2012 - 潮廷 (5)

Singapore 2012 - 潮廷 (6)

第八十八間 - 美式ABC@台北

Posted: 14 Dec 2012 04:43 AM PST

台北2012 - 美式ABC (1)

台北2012 - 美式ABC (2)

台北2012 - 美式ABC (3)

台北2012 - 美式ABC (4)

台北2012 - 美式ABC (5)

台北2012 - 美式ABC (6)

How to Save on Car Insurance

Posted: 14 Dec 2012 01:24 AM PST

The current economy has most consumers looking for ways to save money. Given that many luxury items and delicacies have already been eliminated from the household budget, everyday items are the next place where costs must be reduced.

One thing that can help the monthly budget is to save on car insurance. Critics say this is easier said than done, but consumers have proven that an online search can result in lower car insurance rates. There are things to be aware of before shopping online or in person for an insurance policy. For example, do your research regarding your current policy, your driving history and the vehicles you are insuring. Each of these factors play a part in the overall premium price. Likewise, some companies offer discounts for multiple policies, referrals or automatic debit plans. It is worth the time to investigate how you can save on car insurance.


Which Car Insurance Company is Best?

Posted: 14 Dec 2012 01:23 AM PST

Searching for a new car insurance company can be such a dreaded task that many consumers stay with their existing company even if they are unhappy. Choosing a car insurance company can be made simple in a few simple steps.

First, when discussing your driving history, credit check and vehicle ownership, consider if the agent is taking notes or asking additional, probing questions. This indicates an active listening technique. Second, when an agent discusses your existing policy and tries to uncover opportunities to offer another (homeowner for example) package, their tone should be sincere. A competitive tone may mean that the agent is considering their own commission over your genuine needs. Finally, when you ask questions or are unsure about a term or condition, your agent should take the time to patiently explain everything. Rushing to get a signature or commitment now could translate to an unwillingness to be available later.


Can a Water Filtration System Help You Avoid Food Allergies?

Posted: 14 Dec 2012 01:00 AM PST

Over fifteen million people in the United States are afflicted with food allergies. A study recently published in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology now suggests a link between a common pesticide frequently found in tap water and the emergence of food allergies, leading to speculation that a robust water filtration system might reduce the number of people suffering from food allergies.

The study, run by a team led by Elina Jerschow, M.D., M.Sc., a fellow with the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI), found that a substance called dichlorophenol, found in many common pesticides and weed control products, is linked with reduced food tolerance in humans. The chemical finds its way into tap water via runoff as treated crops are irrigated or rained on. Studies have long demonstrated that as environmental pollution increases so do food allergy levels, raising the possibility that a water filtration system may reduce allergic reactions.


The Benefits of Flight Insurance

Posted: 14 Dec 2012 12:48 AM PST

Surely unexpected events occur in life that just cannot be anticipated. Failed travel plans do not have to be feared. Many common misadventures can result in funny travel stories for your friends to hear in the future, if you have considered insuring your trip. Without insurance, these are stories that will make you rant and your friend yawn or run for cover.

Flight insurance is probably the most important consideration, especially for international travel. Because the tendency is to book these flights well in advance of the actual trip, much room for error makes for a high risk of losing the money spent on booking the flight. Suppose there is a job change, illness or some other unexpected event. Unless you pre-purchased flight insurance, you may not be entitled to a refund of the ticket price. Granted, you cannot predict every possible problem, but you can plan for some common occurrences.



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